If love is a verb, and so is control, and so is coerce, and pressure, and so is guilt, and neglect, and deny is also a verb, and so is ignore, and manipulate, as well as threaten, and love has been taught to us as a verb often including all these other verbs, then what does it mean to love as a practice, to live with love as a central tenet of our way of being in the world?
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love, and
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If love is a verb, and so is control, and so is coerce, and pressure, and so is guilt, and neglect, and deny is also a verb, and so is ignore, and manipulate, as well as threaten, and love has been taught to us as a verb often including all these other verbs, then what does it mean to love as a practice, to live with love as a central tenet of our way of being in the world?